Programmes &Residencies
Engaging with the ever-evolving theatre cosmos
As a theatre practitioner, it is important to be replenished by the rigour of thought that has been given generously during the course of programmes and residencies. Constant engagement between artist and critic, between differing artists' philosophies of art, between our contrary selves is important to locate where and what your artistic voice is.
Participated in the Following:
Points of View: Critical Frames of Performance Making
Points of View: Critical Frames for Performance Writing and Making is a nine-day programme for young performing arts writers and makers to explore various ways of viewing and approaching artistic works. Held on 4 - 12 May 2018 under the auspices of the Singapore International Festival of Arts (SIFA), successful applicants will experience a range of performances, and engage in critical dialogue with SIFA artists, organisers, industry experts and fellow critical thinkers.
Extensive documentation and coverage on the programme and discussions made can be found here
Performance Making - From 4th to 12th May 2018